Professional Licensure Consulting Services

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What we do

We help higher education institutions fully comply with all professional licensure related laws, regulations, and policies. We help unravel complex and dynamic professional licensure requirements so that students are prepared to apply in any state they plan to work.

Who we serve

We serve all higher education providers, including colleges and universities, with programs that lead to a professional license or certification. We also serve individual students pursuing a professional license or certification.

Why you need our help

Professional licensure is complicated! We have over a decade of experience making sense of it. We will help you unravel the requirements for your programs or your own pathway to licensure. If you don’t understand how your program meets educational requirements for licensure in all states, the time to act is now!

Consulting Services for Higher Education Licensure Professionals

Colleges and universities, as a whole, strive to ensure the curricula they develop and teach address the requirements of the professional field.

Federal and state laws, regulations and policies dictate the substance, timing and manner that professional licensure requirements are communicated to students.

Now, more than ever, it is critical that institutions fully understand how their programs fulfill, or not, professional licensure requirements and have a plan for how to effectively communicate.

Many colleges and universities struggle to understand and keep up-to-date with licensure requirements across states and professions. Additionally, changes are made with some regularity and not in unison, across all states and professional fields.

HELP works with colleges and universities in the following areas:


Ensure professional licensure requirements are known and understood


Understand whether academic/degree program meets the licensure requirements of states (could include detailed syllabi review).


Develop processes to ensure prospective students and students know whether a degree program meets the requirements for their state and profession.


Develop processes for continued updates to regulatory changes .

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